Health at Home
Relevant Immunity Support for Personal Health Literacy

Impacting Personal Health Literacy
The Australian Institute of Health and Welfare defines health literacy as “Proportion of 15–74-year-olds with health literacy above the minimum level regarded as necessary for understanding and using information relating to health issues.”[228]
Research conducted in 2015 by the Australian Commission on Safety & Quality in Health Care reveals 60% of Australians hold “low” health literacy levels, and 40% “adequate” health literacy levels.
Our goal is to make personalised, precision health available to all – accessible, affordable and actionable; no matter who you are, where you are, what you look like, your age, gender, race, social status or personal preferences. We believe everyone has the right to be healthy and happy and ph360 creates massive impact once in your hands.
Curious to learn more, or get involved

Australia deserves personalised immunity information
At a time when global stress levels are high, immune strength is paramount, and low health literacy levels are the majority, a simple, evidence-based, accessible solution is required for Australia.
Your Personalised Protection
Learn more about the Personalised 10 Day Immune Boost Protocol available to every Australian.
The Protocol is FREE so that we can unite Australians in strength and solidarity against COVID-19.
Personalised, Precise, Practical
- 100% customized to each Australian
- Step-by-step guidance
- Easy to do at home
- Doctor endorsed
- Evidence-based
- Scientifically validated
- Medically supported
- Low-barrier access
- Personalised health digital solution